Aug 3, 2009


I'm sure no one will start reading this blog for a long time, but one day I will be famous and people will want to know what life was like for me back then (sarcasm).

I'm 17 and live about 30 minutes outside Chicago. I have a beautiful boyfriend (Matt) who I've been with since 6-7-08.

The point of this blog is I recently decided to start making my own clothing. I have an eye for fashion and learned how to sew about 6 or 7 years ago from my mother. I'm 5'1" and have struggled to find clothes that fit my small, unusual frame.

I don't only want to make clothes though, that's not even what I started out with.. I want to make shoes. And bags. And why not jewelry, too? Shit why not make other accessories while I'm at it!

The shoes are the main goal, though.

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